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Rope Q6 Mastrant (6mm) 100 meter roll

Rope MASTRANT Q6 (100 meter roll)

Material: Polyester 6mm Section.

Manufacture: Braided with crooked soul with polyester center.

Exterior: Cover: Polyester [Sun and Water Resistant in Interperie].

Features: 730 daN force, Safe working load 220 daN, Elongation 2.4%, Weight: 3.1 kg (in every 100 m).

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Mastrant P6 Resistant Rope (PRICE PER METER)

Material: 6mm Polyester Section.

Manufacture: Braided with twisted core with polyester center.

Exterior: Cover: Polyester [Sun and water resistant in Interperie].


Features: 850 daN strength, safe work load 255 daN, elongation 2.4%, weight: 3.7 kg (per 100 m).


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